Engelsk: The Pinnacle of Enlightenment.

Maleriet er 60x80x4cm., malet med akrylmaling og glimmer.

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Jeg havde mange notater og mulige titler på et helt A4-ark. Jeg lod det ligge, da der var mange inspirerende forslag. Senere, da maleriet hang i stuen og jeg var på vej i seng, lyste det op på en helt særegen måde, og titlen "Oplysningens Tinde" kom til mig. Det googlede jeg, men det eneste bud der kom var 'Oplysningens tiden' og det var ikke det, det gik ud på. Jeg greb inspirationen på at oversætte det til engelsk og dét gav mening: The Pinnacle of Enlightenment. Der var en tekst til, som jeg fandt super inspirerende, den kan du læse her: 

Enlightenment is your natural state, it is perfect and it cannot be improved.

However, enlightenment must be integrated so that it can serve humanity.

Integration is different for everyone. I'm trying to picture what it might look like.

1. Your first death.

In a flash you are rid of all your worries and searching. You thought you had to improve something but you found out that you are perfect and always have been perfect. This feels great. Symptoms that may occur: savior complex (you want to save humanity), I don't care-syndrome everything is good as it is, emotionless, oneness, love. You feel godly, you are god! Your ego is often at its max here. You want to wake up people around you and you find it normal to destroy egos. Your sole purpose here is to spread the message of god.

When you look into their eyes: you see hope.

2. Second Death

You have found that saving others and destroying other egos is to make yourself feel better. You see that it was your ego that was in charge in combination with divine powers. You relive the darknight of the souls. You no longer see a reason to do anything in life. Your first death was hard enough, after the second death you don't want to do anything anymore. Your ego has dried up. You feel like dead. This gives a lot of peace. If you don't build anything, you can't lose anything. You surrender yourself completely to God. You love death. You are death! You're gone. You disappeared into the sky. There is nothing left of yourself. What a rest! You do nothing more, life is happening and you surrender. However, something is missing here, life is missing. The ego plays dead, but it is not dead.

If you look into their eyes: you see death.

3. Third death

This is not actually death, but this is even harder than death: to live!

You can clearly see here that everything was an illusion of the ego. You go back to your normal life. You are afraid to live. Do you know how difficult and painful normal life is? People even commit suicide in order not to live anymore in order to stop feeling pain. Because even death is better than feeling the pain. Here you feel all your pain. Everything you've tucked away. After healing, your inner child dances and sings in your heart. Here your inner child mixes with the void. You are in and out of the world. You like contemporary activities again. You enjoy everything the world has to offer with your childish delight that never goes away. People in this state are like innocent children. No way do you see ego in these people, they would rather die than consiously hurt you. They really love you, 1 loving look, 1 word, 1 smile from them can be enough to make roses bloom in your heart.

When you look into their eyes: you see life.

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